Executioner Existing Building

You have a completed education at at least MBO level in the field of construction engineering. In addition, you are motivated for this role and want to keep developing and challenging yourself. You bring work experience as a construction expert, but not necessarily as a superintendent. It's about your story and your added value in the role of Executing Existing Buildings, if you can substantiate this well, then you are the right candidate.

Organisational and departmental description

Do you want to play a role in the sustainable restoration of homes/objects in the province of Groningen and also work for a very nice client? Then read this vacancy for Existing Buildings Superintendent. For more information, please contact Geert Bos. He can be reached at 06-83517405 or via geert@bvbbouwsupport.nl

Job information

In the role of Existing Building Superintendent, you will be the hub of construction and responsible for everything that happens on site. Please note this role is in the context of the sustainable restoration of homes/objects in the province of Groningen. You will work together in a project team, paying close attention to the schedule the budget, thus ensuring satisfied customers/clients.


We offer you at least one year's contract, permanent is also possible, but by mutual agreement. A good salary also goes with this job, as well as everything you need to do your job well. Think about a car, phone and laptop. More than enough holidays, because we follow the collective labour agreement for the construction industry. Above all, a nice workplace where you can challenge yourself and have a good time.

Job requirements

You have a completed education at at least MBO level in the field of construction engineering. In addition, you are motivated for this role and want to keep developing and challenging yourself. You bring work experience as a construction expert, but not necessarily as a superintendent. It's about your story and your added value in the role of Executing Existing Buildings, if you can substantiate this well, then you are the right candidate.

Apply at

For more information about the position of Existing Building Superintendent, please contact Geert Bos. He can be reached at 06-83517405 or via geert@bvbbouwsupport.nl


BVB Bouwsupport

Geert Bos

Please contact
with me immediately:


BVB Bouwsupport
Geert Bos

Geert Bos

Please contact
with me immediately:

Geert Bos
